April 2024 Newsletter!

Hello Eastern Shore and Anne Arundel County!

Today marks our first monthly newsletter from Western Shore and Queenstown Vet. April is an exciting month for our hospital family because we have two major celebrations! Dr. Marianne Bailey is celebrating 10 years of owning Queenstown Veterinary Hospital and Western Shore has completed its first trip around the sun since opening in 2023! On these monumental occasions, we want to thank all our clients and patients for their support of Dr. Bailey’s two practices. We know you have many choices for veterinary care, but we are honored that you have chosen to trust us with your pet’s health. Whether you have been visiting Queenstown Vet since 2014 or recently transitioned to Western Shore Vet, we know these thriving businesses are a result of our supportive community.

Spring is here and we are excited to share new ways to engage with our practice! Our monthly newsletter will be filled with pet tips, hospital news, and community events that are pet friendly. All this information will be delivered to you via email each month; however, if you are looking for more veterinary content, please follow our Facebook and Instagram (@queenstownvet or @westernshorevet).

Case of the Month

In our monthly newsletter, we will have a case of the month. Our goal is for this section to be informative and educate pet owners on how to care for their pet in a meaningful way.

During an appointment this month, Dr. Bailey saw a labradoodle who was uninterested in eating and acting differently than his normal playful self. Knowing something was wrong, his owner brought him to Western Shore where he was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease.

Though not common, Addison’s disease is a serious and life threatening condition for dogs. Addison’s is most known for being the autoimmune disease John F. Kennedy had, but as a veterinary practice, we treat dogs with Addison’s disease that are in critical conditions due to a deficiency in hormones made by the adrenal glands. The most common question is “How did this happen?” Well, unfortunately, the cause is unknown. As unsettling as that is, our team of doctors advise all Addison’s patients to follow their treatment plan closely for success. Dr. Bailey’s Addison’s treatment plan includes Prednisone, Percorten Injections, and regular blood work.

While any breed can be affected by this disease, the most common breeds are West Highland White Terriers, Standard Poodles and Labradors. Any breed, age, and gender dog can develop this disease so be alert for the most common symptoms. Look for a change in decreased appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, unplanned weight-loss, and high stress. If you have any questions regarding Addison’s disease and how our doctors create a treatment plan, please contact Queenstown or Western Shore!

Medication of the Month

Cytopoint Injection for Canine Skin Allergies!

“Cytopoint Provides Fast, Effective Relief While Improving Quality of Life!”

Cytopoint’s allergy relief lasts for 4-8 weeks with just one injection in the office

Product of the Month

Is your dog a power chewer? Symptoms include destroyed stuffed toys around your house, gnawing on furniture, etc. We are happy to offer a solution! Kong Air Squeaker Tennis Balls! Ready to add to your shopping cart?

Here’s the link!


(pro tip: We’ve put a Linktree together with all Dr. Bailey’s favorite pet supplies!)

April 4th: Dr. Bailey’s 10 year anniversary of owning Queenstown Vet !

April 11th: One year Anniversary of Western Shore Vet

Happy Birthday, Dr. Bailey!

Happy Anniversary Dr. Myers!

Upcoming Pet Friendly Events

April 7th: Bowie Baysox Bark in the Park

Watermark Cruises are pet friendly